
Use the Liquid template engine to create pages and layouts


Liquid is a simple, expressive, and safe template engine. This plugin allows you to use it to create pages and layouts.


Import this plugin in your _config.ts file to use it:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import liquid from "lume/plugins/liquid.ts";

const site = lume();


export default site;

See all available options in Deno Doc. Go to the Liquid options page for more info about specific Liquid settings.

Creating layouts

Add a file with .liquid extension in the _includes directory. Use the front matter to set data for the template.

title: Welcome to my page
intro: This is my first post using Lume. I hope you like it!

    <title>{{ title }}</title>

    <p>{{ intro }}</p>

Creating pages

Creating pages is the same as creating layouts; just place the .liquid file outside the _includes directory.

liquid filter

The Liquid plugin also registers the liquid filter, to render any string value as a Liquid template and output HTML. The filter accepts an object with data.

  username: Oscar
text: "Hello {{ username }}"

<!-- Render a string -->
<div>{{ text | liquid: data }}<div>